How To Stop Those Pesky Cravings
By Kristi Hujik
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“Why do I keep craving chocolate?”
“I’m really craving something salty”
I think one of the things I hear most frequently as a Whole30 Certified Coach and a Health Coach is “my cravings are out control”.
So let’s take some time to talk about how to dissect and deconstruct those cravings.
Step 1: Acknowledgement
This is very important…The first step in dealing with cravings is acknowledging why you are having them.
Many times our response to the craving is a mindless one where we satisfy that feeling by automatically reaching for whatever fulfills that need. For many it becomes habit. I have a craving, I eat the food I’m craving. Simple but we can do more to solve this mysterious craving and why we feel powerless. You can’t go to the next step without this acknowledgement. We will get more in depth but we have to start here.
Within this step, how do you view cravings? Do you see them as a sign of weakness? Many feel guilt and animosity after feeling the craving and “giving in”. Let’s flip that script because you and your body are getting to know each other and you’re becoming fast friends. See those cravings as important messages from your body meant to help you maintain balance. The fact is if you’re having cravings, SOMETHING is out of balance. It’s not simply about the chocolate.
Don't worry we will get more in depth but we have to start here!
Now just hit that PAUSE button…and go to step 2
Step 2: Be curious...Ask, "what's really going on here”?
A) Ponder some of these questions:
*How do you deal with it when you have cravings?
*Are you acknowledging them in the moment or after the fact?
*How do you react when you realize it's happening or has happened?
*Is there a pattern?
B) Open up that journal
Are you journaling? Noting the time, frame of mind, etc can really help you see a pattern in what you’ve turned a blind eye to for awhile…
C) Utilize the acronym HALT
AM I HUNGRY and HYDRATED? (I actually have two H's -)
Most of the time the craving falls into one of these categories though I have always felt BOREDOM is another big one!
It's never really about the food, the answer to how to deconstruct your cravings goes much deeper. As you honestly and mindfully evaluate your relationship with food "getting to know" your cravings is important.
I always start with hydration. If I'm hungry or having a craving I start by drinking water.
Still "hungry"? Then I move on to the next items on the list -- ask yourself am I hungry enough to eat steamed fish and broccoli ??? If the answer is yes, you probably are truly hungry.
If that steamed fish and broccoli doesn't sound like something you would want then dig deeper and see if you are feeling any of the other emotions on the list..
STEP 3: Listen to your body…
Our bodies are amazing bio computers that do amazing things on a daily basis. The body heals, sleeps restoratively, maintains temperature, connects so that we can function and do anything from eating to walking, It also sends us a message when something isn't right or out of balance.
If you can, dig deeper into your cravings and learn what your body is trying to tell you.
Is it lack of water?
Yin-Yang imbalance?
Or maybe it's a lack of nutrients...Ever wonder why you crave chocolate ?
Craving salt? not enough protein likely the cause.
A craving could signal a deficiency in a micro or macro nutrient. Chocolate is actually linked to magnesium.
Craving meat or cheese? Could be a low iron or low calcium
Make this question a staple "What does my body need, and why?"
I've told this story before but I will tell it again because it fits in this tip...
I had a month or so in time last year when I was craving Chicken Parm and other Italian food. Could not figure out why. I finally figured out it was because of the loss of my grandma. She passed suddenly and I was not able to see her so it was my way of remembering her and my time growing up. It was a connection I was making because of my grief. So there are many ways your body communicates you beyond the food. There was an imbalance for me with the grief I was feeling.
STEP 4: Develop a Dialogue with your body that comes from a place of Self Love..
This is from my IIN schooling (I love how it was written):
"Remember, your body loves you unconditionally and does everything it can to keep you alive and functioning. You can feed it garbage, and it will turn it into energy to fuel your life. You can deprive it of sleep, but it will still get you up and running the next morning. You can drink too much alcohol, and it will still process it through your system.
Next time you experience a craving, try to think of your body as a crying dog or child that wants to be fed and needs love and tenderness. The dog can’t talk, so it’s up to you to respond with love and compassion and try to figure out what’s wrong. That’s the first step to building a mutually loving relationship.
In general there's too much shame, guilt and self-hatred associated with our culture around cravings and diet culture.
We all get frustrated by our cravings. We can’t control them, we give in to them, and then we feel guilty. It happens to all of us. But maybe next time you can follow these 4 steps and they will help you.
Do you have experience with intense cravings? What was helpful for you?
Let us know below