What Is A Health Coach?

Health coaches are going to help change the world. I truly believe that. 

It’s the reason I decided to take the leap and do the Integrative Nutrition (IIN) Health Coaching program in July. I graduated last week and I’m so excited about creating my own ripple effect in this world to help make it a better place. But I know most of you are thinking what exactly does a health coach actually do and why could it be so impactful?

Here’s a simple definition. Health and wellness coaches work with individuals and groups in a client-centered process to facilitate and empower the client to achieve self-determined goals related to health and wellness. 

We have an issue we need to address in this country’s health care system. Doctors are trained to name and prescribe. That’s important and there’s a place for it but what they don’t have is a background in is how food and a holistic approach can help us be more healthy. Prescriptions are necessary many times but it should be the last resort and not the primary focus. 

As an Integrative Nutrition Health Coach we look at things from a holistic approach. It’s not just about the food on your plate it’s about all the elements that go into your life. We have to look at the whole picture. We are counselors, we are not therapists, we are not doctors, we are, what we like to say, “your guide on the side for a wild ride." We are here to help you navigate the road map that is your health and wellness journey. It’s about impactful transformations where we partner to awaken your potential. 

Think about when you learned how to drive. You were a student driver in training. You actually operated the vehicle, pressed the pedals, made the decisions but the instructor sits in the seat next to you and helps you with guidelines, laws, and decision-making. The teacher is your guide but you do the work. You’re next to each other shoulder-to-shoulder for the ride. That’s how health coaching operates too. It’s about listening to your body and finding out what works for you. You own the content, we just help provide the process. 

I will offer another analogy. As a sports coach you are trying to bring the best out of your players and put them in positions to succeed. We want to unlock the potential and help you accomplish your goals. This works the same way. 

We are not here to oppose doctors or put them down. Nutrition is not usually part of the curriculum many doctors receive. Many of my doctor friends have said, “I simply never learned about this stuff”. They have called to ask about Whole30 and the health coaching partnership. We want to work together. The doctors are so busy booking 15 minute appointments, they don’t have time to help you learn how to navigate home cooking because of work and taking care of your kids. It’s amazing how after a health and wellness consult the client says to me, “I have never had someone listen to me for an hour”. It sounds so simple but it’s true. 

In a perfect world you would go to the doctor who might tell you that you have high blood pressure. The doctor might want you to make certain changes in your life and knows that you can do that through diet and nutrition, the doctor would then send you off to work with the health coach who helps you make these changes and execute the plan. 

Last week the health coaching industry got a huge boost when it was announced that health coaching is something that can be covered by insurance. This is a big step forward.

I can’t wait to see the forward progress that continues to be made in this field and I’m proud to be a part of the change that can help you and many others be healthy and well. 


Change Can Be Good


Whole30 Label Reading Lessons