Whole30 services are intended to promote general health and wellness. This program will focus on motivation and accountability. 

Kristi Hujik LLC, the Coach, will not be providing customized or clinical nutrition advice. The Coach will simply provide general healthy living and nutrition tips as outlined per the Whole30 guidelines. Whole30 is not intended to replace physician care or medical intervention.

All assessments, suggestions and/or consultations are about lifestyle and habits and are based on the Client input, and are not intended to diagnose, treat or cure any disease or ailment. 

The Coach will help the Client through the program thanks to years of Whole30 practice and experience.

Client acknowledges they have checked with their doctor and that the physician has recommended the Client follow the Whole30 plan.

In the State of Florida, only a Registered Dietician can provide nutritional advice. Therefore, if anything comes up that is not covered by Whole30 website or books or additional resources, Client will be referred to a colleague who is a Registered Dietician and Client will be asked to make an appointment with his/her doctor. 

Client acknowledges and agrees to accept all responsibility for reviewing diet and nutrition suggestions with a licensed medical professional before following the Whole30 program. 

As with any program, there may exist inherent risks which may be relative to Client’s state of health, fitness, awareness, care, and skill to which Client conducts himself/herself.

Client agrees that it is their responsibility to inquire about any recommendations with which Client is not familiar, and provide any information which may limit his/her participation in the Whole30 program.

Results and changes in Client’s general health and wellness may vary depending on medical conditions, medications, and accuracy in following suggested guidelines.

As Client’s general health and wellness may change with modifications in diet, nutrition, and lifestyle, physician-prescribed medications may require modification. It is Client’s responsibility to discuss this with their physician.

Client should never reduce or eliminate physician prescribed medications without the direction of his/her physician or medical care provider.

Client’s personal and health information will remain confidential and will not be shared without consent. 

The Coach reserves the right to refuse services to any individual or refer at any time to appropriate medical professionals. 

Acknowledgement & Consent to Receive Services: 

I have read and understand the above disclosure about the Whole30 Motivation and Accountability services offered by Kristi Hujik, LLC. I have discussed with Kristi Hujik, LLC the nature of the services to be provided.

I understand that the Coach is not a licensed physician and that Whole30 coaching services are not licensed by the state, medically authorized, nor sponsored by any licensing bodies.

I understand it is my responsibility to maintain a relationship for myself with a medical doctor or licensed health provider.

I have consented to use the services offered by Kristi Hujik LLC, and agree to be personally responsible for the fees in connection with the services provided to me.

By consenting below you agree to the above terms and conditions for participation in Whole30 motivation and accountability by Kristi Hujik, LLC