Episode 2: Seeing Life Through Rose-Colored Glasses with Robyn Barnhardt

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Episode 2: Seeing Life Through Rose-Colored Glasses with Robyn Barnhardt

Description: Author Robyn Barnhardt shares 5 impactful steps to help you see life through a different lens from her latest book. She provides the simple ways you change your perspective to unlock a more positive outcome. 

02:30-the vision behind the book 

04:50-Robyn’s background and where the title came from

07:36-books that have inspired her

11:40-the moment she knew she wanted to write a book 

13:56-the unique way the book is laid out and the 5 enlightening sections – perspective, realization, shadow, release, and vision

19:40-putting the 5 steps in action and trying to achieve balance within the ever evolving ebbs and flows of life 

21:07-examples of limiting beliefs and the importance of shifting mindset

22:10-social media effect and focusing on a solution 

23:50-where the quotes in the book came from and some favorites 

27:28-one of the 12 universal laws – the law of vibration 

29:45-Robyn’s watershed moment 

36:12-the vibe and tone of the book

41:48-the book’s appeal to all kinds of personality types

44:25-the amazing God winks Robyn received from her mom

52:16-Robyn’s advice to someone who’s struggling

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Buy Robyn’s Book See Life Through Rose-Colored Glasses

Other books mentioned:
Power of Now By Eckhart Tolle

Transcending the Levels Of Consciousness By David Hawkins

Robyn Barnhardt’s Website

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